So, coming to the first point on this comparison between MEAN stack and the MERN stack.
So, let us take a quick introduction to full stack development.
I am sure you already know what full stack development is right but then let's just put it out in the simplest way possible.

What is Full Stack Development?

Full stack development involves both development of the front end the back end as well as database handling. So front end deals with all the elements you see on a website or a web application the aesthetics, the design, the theme, etc.

The back end and walls working with data making sure your front end can talk to the database directly and of course the database involves storing the data maintaining the data.

You know making sure security is there as well and a lot of things that are involved with full stack development right but then you do have to know that when we talk about web development

In general, or full stack development in specific it is one of the most versatile development fields to be involved in today.


Why Full Stack Development is so important?

So why do I say this because one it is among  the top 10 carriers you know for this decade and pretty much the next decade as well right so there’re hundreds of thousands of companies in the world and every one of them either want a web app or a website so the requirement for web developers are always there and one very important thing is that full stack developers have the capability to switch roles as and when the requirement calls for it so one you might be working on the front end the other day you can be working on integrating the same back into the front-end right that's complementary to the second point as well so where we talk about complete ownership of the design since you'll be the person who has designed the front end the person who has worked on the back end and probably a little bit on the database as well you have complete authority to know what is going on in your project so this way you know you can do all the changes that's required flexibility in terms of upgrades of course because you own it right so in and out you know what's going on there so all of these is completely applicable to full stack development and since you know what's going on from in the front end in the back end.

It's basically, the entire vertical structure of the entire web application you will have an access to you know any level that you require at any level of abstraction. In fact, where you can work with any changes debug and you know if in case even if you are working on certain updates as well right.

So, it's going to add a lot of value there too.


Now since we're talking about the MEAN stack and the MERN stack.

We’ll let us take an understanding of what a technology stack actually is.


What is a Technology Stack?

Guys it's very simple as the name suggests a technology stack is basically a combination of technologies a combination of applications tools techniques and methodologies that we eventually use to build a web application or a mobile application sees.

So, in this stack that we call there's more than a variety of software’s there we have a variety of programming languages development frameworks we have support libraries, user interface, user experience development tools, and we have a lot of other software which you know which also involve talking with all the stuff that I just mentioned you know you can have software’s which pick up things from your programming language and you know work with a framework it can use all the libraries as well.

So, there's a lot of things that happen you know in a technology stack so to understand this better you know we have the MEAN and the MERN stack to be one of these text tags that have taken the world by a storm right now.

Whenever you talk to a full stack developer or whenever you talk to a person who's looking to you know add some meaning in the world of web development you are very sure that they will know something about MEAN or MERN stack.


What is MEAN Stack and MERN Stack?

So, MEAN and MERN right so they're both acronyms.

MEAN involves working with four technologies one's mongo dB, express.js, angular.js, and node.js

and MERN is a little different instead of angular.js we make use of react.js right.

So, this overall like MEAN stack MERN a lot of other stacks as well. So, all of these are adding nothing but immense amount of value to the world of web development it's opening doors that we thought it's very difficult to open and you're going to see why you know when we actually go on to compare and when I’m going to help you on how to choose between one or the other as well see enough coming to the MEAN stack.


About MEAN Stack -

MEAN stack involves working with the express.js, angular.js, and node.js that I just told is basically used to handle all your NoSQL databases and eventually the data gets stored as json files and this is eventually used to talk to the backend and work with it right. So, where does the backend function so what application I’m using to run the back end off right is express.js.


So, express.js is used for the creation of back-end web applications where you know we're running it. So, we're running express on top of node.js actually and then getting the work done. So, coming to angular.js is a front-end framework it's used to run the JavaScript in the client's browser right.

So, when you're working with a majority of JavaScript you know tools frameworks libraries and flavours you have to understand that angular.js, node.js, express.js you do have to have an understanding of JavaScript right because even when you're talking about node.js as well right.

So node.js provides the runtime environment where we can implement the actual application backend and again this happens in JavaScript too.



MERN stack you will see that express.js and node.js remain the same but then when we talk about react.js right. So, react.js is again a wonderful library it's probably the most popular JavaScript library of today right so what do you guys think what do you think is the most popular JavaScript library head to the comment section and let us know anyway, coming back now with react.js.

It’s a very important thing that you understand it's a front-end library but then there’re many more things to react.js than what it offers out of the boxes but again, we're going to check out all of these but at this point of time you need to know that we use react.js for UI development and front-end development as well.


Comparison between MEAN Stack and MERN Stack -

1.       Popularity - You know popularity is very important to check because this eventually drives the jobs this drives the trend and you will understand even if you're a person who's looking to hire MEAN and MERN stack developers you will know what is trending what is better to use what saves your time and money and all of that right. So, talking about the general sense of popularity with MEAN stack development what usually happens is it's been extremely popular because of one framework which is angular.js. So, angular.js is this all in one framework that can do a lot of things and to the MEAN stack a part the angular.js part it has added nothing but immense amount of benefit to the stack guys. Now, if you have to talk about MERN Stack right. So, MERN are like the new guy around the block because the react has been seen to work very well with it express.js, node.js wherein react is getting so popular you know That the developers because of simple documentation whatever it is react has gained a lot of quick attraction if I have to put it towards when you compare it directly to angular.js if you're wondering why the next couple of points will actually answer that. here's why you know MERN can be a little better than MEAN. So, with MEAN and MERN whatever tools we're using out here all of these are open source guys that's one very important thing we have to discuss and after which you know once you know you understand that you'll of course whenever you begin to learn these right you might be a beginner you might be a person who's jumping in from another

2.       Technology - You have certain documentation to begin with now in terms of documentation both have really nice very good concise amount of documentation that come with the website itself but how easy is it to pick up on these documentation because at the end of the day if you have to ask 10 web developers there's a very good chance 8 or 10 of them will say react.js is very easy to learn when compared to angular.js right in fact there were a lot of surveys running the result of the survey is that there is a huge majority of people that say react.js has been very easy to learn and cope up for beginners for intermediate users when you compare to angular.js because there's a lot of things you have to learn about angular.js since it's like an all-in-one go-to package

3.       Productivity - So MERN being the easier one to use what offers better productivity because an environment you as a person who's hiring people or you as a person who's willing to learn these tags when we talk about productivity right MEAN stack wins because angular.js offers a lot of things right it's a complete framework. You know they give you command line interface they give you so many things that makes your job as a developer very easy and this for your employer means it will save a lot of time, it'll save a lot of money, it'll save a lot of effort as well right. So, in terms of productivity MEAN stack definitely offers better productivity see we cannot say MERN stack offers very huge amount of deficit in terms of productivity because here it is productive enough but then it's a slightly less productive because when you're working with react.js it involves working with a lot of third-party libraries because react is not a complete framework right. So, you have to learn those third-party libraries make sure to understand how you can work with them how react works with these libraries learn it on your own using third-party documentation and eventually get started with all of these well you already lost a lot of time right. So, this is very important in terms of productivity for you as a learner and you as a person who wants to build a career and in fact you as a person who's already begun working on these stacks as well.

4.       JOB Openings - When you have to talk about job openings right. Job openings are very important right now both MEAN stack and MERN stack has amazing visibility across the world because the world requires a lot of these developers with MEAN stack is that the attention is very good the global market is amazing but since react.js is the new bad boy in town if I have to know put it into these informal terms well. You will find a lot of people hiring for more stack developers right now because react.js offers something called as react native where you know react native is where we're trying to create native web applications as well right. So, it's popularity its simplicity it's easier to learn and you know apart from productivity until now all the four points that we have checked out is making me lean towards MERN stack development right.


I mean of course, I’ve worked on both. angular.js and react.js acquire a quite amount of bit and if I have to really prefer one or the other it's trust me it's harder than it looks but then of course considering how the market is shifting, considering how developers are moving with the trend and understanding the easiest way to get things done.


What Should I Choose? MEAN or MERN Stack -

I have four points that might help you choose better see one is the project size depending on you as a learner or let's say you've picked up a certification program or you're at your job right now where you're using any one of these stacks to get a problem solved if your project size is very big right. An advantage with react is that it has only unidirectional data binding this will help you execute your projects a lot faster because you understand your data pipelines you understand the movement of data from one point to the other. So, there's no crosstalk there's no confusion especially this happens in large projects right. So, react.js will offer you a better chance at good organization and easy data usage and access with when you're working with large projects if your project is small then of course angular.js will fit it better it's an all-in-one framework it can I know if you put in the right amount of time if you put in the hours that's required to thoroughly master angular.js enough even for a smaller project you can drive it to goals faster and eventually you know you can have a lot of productivity in the case of angular.js as well. Now, if you're talking about experience right so if you have a workforce who are highly experienced or very experienced people seniority people this is where you know MEAN stack can fit effectively well for you because you will not directly depend on any sort of documentation any sort of training. Since the team is already experienced right so in that case it means that they already know a complex framework such as angular.js.


So, you will not really require any supporting documentation and MEAN will work well a medium sized project or in fact a last project as we just checked in the previous point. Now, if you're talking about if your workforce is either let's say freshers or people who are have experience. I don't know maybe for less than three years four years or so working on web development then MERN stack will be a better option because react is that much quicker for you guys to train people on to make sure you yourself learn and pick up on and eventually implement it in your job as well coming to productivity angular.js is the complete framework it will be very productive in terms of developer work ability because you know since it's a complete framework you really don't have to look anywhere else to do a lot of tasks angular.js can do it all is what I have to say but then when you talk about react.js right. let's say you have an upgradation going on in your project you have to write code again with react.js. Since, we'll be using a lot of third-party libraries writing this code itself can become a little complicated then of course testing it can be another bigger problem and think about bigger projects. So, that's why my point one was to tell you guys to pick up that if you have a small project. Now, if you have a big project with react it might lead to a big headache you know if I have to say it out like that. So, coming to the last point right it's all about performance for you as a learner for you as a person who's willing to hire people for developing your website. You as a person moving from a different technology guys performance is number one whenever you think about any information technology concept right.


Here is where react.js has a slight edge over angular.js

React.js makes use of what we call as the virtual DOM (Document Object Model) and through this the sheer performance that react.js offers is unbeaten. You know this could be one of the reasons why react.js is very popular. So, think about making your website lightning fast without having to put a lot of effort into it think about creating a very elegant web application without having to put much effort into thinking about how to design it you know what goes on in it because with react.js it's all really simple to go on to work with and you know work with and of course work with express.js work with node.js. The crosstalk between react.js and all of these languages are amazing and you can work with it at ease.


Here it comes to the end of it…………



What do you think is the right stack for you?

Is it the MEAN stack or is it the MERN stack?


head to the comment section and let us know